Collection: 《我的幸福行动》My Happiness Actions


Life never fails to meet us with overwhelming challenges. Unfulfilled desires, feelings of helplessness and an overbearing wave of feeling directionless can indubitably discourage anyone.

According to research by positive psychologists, an individual’s desire to increase happiness and well-being is more than just a fancy dream but is instead, a motivation for one to pursue and strive for the life they desire. There is one way towards happiness and that is to prioritise and focus on personal improvements and growth.



It is no secret that everyone has their own unique set of strengths and we are all familiar with the benefits of improving and putting our strengths to good use. But how many of us manage to explore and understand our own strengths in a systemic manner and subsequently uses our strengths in the right areas? With this audiobook, it guides us to devote our limited time and effort to things that matter. Offer yourself a new perspective on what happiness means to you, and bridge the gap between where you are and the state of happiness you desire. Repeat the practice like clockwork and reflect on what happiness means to you.



  • Identify basic concepts of personal skills and character strengths.
  • Recognize the positive emotions and ways to strengthen them.
  • Sort out the obsession of building up habits.
  • Improve life satisfaction in terms of psychological state.



My Happiness Actions Coach

Meet Goh Hwee Khiang, Certified Solution-Focused Coach (CSFC)

With the increasing emphasis placed on positive psychology in recent years, more companies are striving to create environments that promote their employee’s positive qualities and positive thinking. Happiness Coach Goh HK explores the journey of constructing a happy corporate culture.

Goh HK is currently a Certified Solution-Focused Coach with the Canadian Council of Professional Certification and a Strength Scope certified executive. Furthermore, he participates in Positive Psychology and Affirmation courses such as Appreciative Inquiry and Appreciative Living.

His strong interest in corporate management and human resources develop led him to join the ranks of the coach in 2014 to advise the leadership of small and medium-sized enterprises in Malaysia, helping them in the process of identifying the younger corporate culture and fresh human innovation that can help each company differentiate themselves from their competitions.

Goh HK also practices the concepts of Positive Psychology in his daily life and has established numerous support platforms such as Blue Forest Happiness Centre to help individuals focus on finding their own happiness.